Monday, July 22, 2013

Welcome to My Cup of Tea

Welcome to My Cup of Tea!
A blog of Crafts and DIYs, tidbits, factoids, and more!

Firstly, let me start by introducing myself. Hello, how are you doing? Is your tea seeped? Great! Now let’s begin.
      My name is Brooke Pearson, college student, vegetarian, avid tea drinker. I have been doing various craft projects since I held my first hot glue gun at 8 (thanks Aunt DiDi!) and hand sewn my first pillow at 6 (Thank You Nana!) Throughout my crafting life I have dipped into knitting, crocheting, gardening, baking, cooking, soap making, candle making, and loads of you name it’s!
      By the time my second year (after high school) of college began I found myself living in the middle of nowhere back at my parent’s humble abode and needing 1. Extra cash (what college student doesn’t?) and 2. With an overabundance of finished crafts taking over my bedroom (Yikes!) So the solution to my first world probs was simple: Create an Etsy shop!


OH but this would not be any ordinary Etsy shop! My entire life has been spent preparing for this extraordinary moment! I spent hours, days, and many pieces of popcorn (lightly salted no butter please) devising my ultra-super awesome spectacular plan of operation. I excavated my brain of every craft I have ever loved and after sifting through the ones of silliness (puffball pencil topper anyone??) I deciphered the master code of sales: sell only what I love to make when I love to make it.
Simple Enough.
       I crafted days on end making multiples of all the things I felt drawn to make (if I didn’t want to make it life would’ve been torture: would you like fries with that?) By the end of my crafting rush I discovered three things: 1. I love crafting with recycled materials ONLY 2. I need a natural product line and 3. I have a passion for whimsical.
     A bit further in depth now!

One Second, Before I get tons of questions asking about my line of Christmas items let me please say ELFIN DOES NOT IMPLY ELVES, CHRISTMAS, OR ELVIS.
  Elfin: ADJ. Small and delicate, typically with an    attractively mischievous or strange charm.

Now back to what I was saying.

All of the crafts I’ve ever taken a fondness for have been made of items that would have normally been thrown away: boxes, paper towel rolls, plastic spoons etc. I love making something awesome out of something trashy (ha, get it?) this being said, all of the crafts in my shop have been crafted of recycled items, up-cycled atrocities, or completely made from things found around my parent’s home (BTW mom we are out of flour I needed more clay J) DISCLAIMER: yes some items do include things such as paint, hot glue, yarn, etc these things were store bought for other crafts and were lying around my room.

As a vegetarian and tea drinker extraordinaire I find myself an activist of many social causes and a pursuer of a more natural life style. This began my thoughts of a natural product line. It all started with some chapped lips and an article on the health risks of commercial lip balms (Gross!) so I internet searched for hours in the pursuit of an all-natural lip balm recipe (Vegan Friendly!) and discovered just how simple it is to make my own products. However it seems quite impossible to only use .15 oz of wax so I decided to sell the others. NOTE: I do use my own products and they have been tested on WILLING AND UNPAID individuals so I know they’re awesome. (I did say I wouldn’t sell anything to you guys I didn’t love) In this beginning I decided to just start off with lip balms and soy candles (all things I have plenty of experience making) in a variety of delicious scents to please even the pickiest palettes.
    Finally, this leaves whimsical. Everything you will find in my shop is unique, different, odd, and just a bit silly. I have an eye for different and a passion for standing out amongst the crowd.
     So really that is it! All about me and the founding of my shop, Now on to talk about why an Etsy shop needs a blog!
     (Hey no ordinary shop remember???)

Tis true I will not be selling every bit of what I decide at 11pm to create so I thought this would be a lovely way to post other craft tutorials and get feedback for future ideas. I will be posting my process for making many of the items in the shop but I will leave out crucial details in the interest of 1. Needing extra cash. However! Do not fret! I shall attach links directly into my shop if you would like to purchase the finished craft or product!

So for now my lovelies, I leave you with a thought of the day:

“When we long for life without difficulties,
remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds
and diamonds are made under pressure.”
~ Peter Marshall


1 comment:

  1. Looking good! Can't wait to see what else comes to fruition!
